Floene – Distribuímos Energias de Futuro


Privacy Policy

Data Protection and Privacy Policy
“Portal da Distribuição Gás Natural”

The Galp Group ensures compliance with the obligations arising from Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (GDPR) and other legislation on the protection of personal data and privacy.

I. Who is responsible for the processing of my personal data?

Petrogal, S.A., with registered office at Rua Tomás da Fonseca, Torre C, 1600-209 Lisbon (hereinafter referred to as “GALP”), is responsible for the processing of your personal data for the purposes indicated below.

II. For what purpose will my personal data be processed, what are the grounds of lawfulness and the retention period?

The processing of your personal data has the following purposes, grounds of lawfulness and retention periods:

Purposes of Processing Processing Activities Grounds of Lawfulness
Gestão de websites ou aplicações Execução do contrato cujos termos se regem pelos T&C de uso deste website Até 1 (um) ano após a última visita ao website
Gestão de clientes Diligências pré-contratuais ou
execução de um contrato
Até 1 (um) ano após a cessação do contrato, sem prejuízo da conservação por período superior para cumprimento de obrigações legais
Gestão de contrato * Cumprimento de uma obrigação jurídica (Regulamento da ERSE) Pelo prazo legal estabelecido
Gestão administrativa para efeitos de faturação (recolha da leitura) Execução do contrato Até 1 (um) ano após a cessação do contrato, sem prejuízo da conservação por período superior para cumprimento de obrigações legais
Gestão de cobranças e recuperação de crédito Execução do contrato Até 1 (um) ano após a cessação do contrato, sem prejuízo da conservação por período superior para cumprimento de obrigações legais
Gestão de pedidos de emergência (por chamada telefónica) Cumprimento de uma obrigação jurídica (Regulamento da ERSE) As chamadas para prover situações de emergência não são armazenadas para este fim
Gravação de chamadas no âmbito da relação contratual2 Consentimento Até 24 (vinte e quatro) meses, acrescido de prazo de caducidade ou prescrição
Gravação de chamadas para monitoria da qualidade do atendimento Consentimento Até 30 (trinta) dias após a gravação das chamadas
Gravação de chamadas para monitoria da qualidade do atendimento Consentimento Durante 3 (três) anos após a gravação das chamadas
Inquéritos de satisfação/opinião Interesse legítimo, se for realizado na sequência de uma interação anterior com o titular Até 30 (trinta) dias após interação
Inquéritos de satisfação/opinião Consentimento Pelo período de 1 (um) ano após recolha

Where the lawful ground for the processing of your personal data is consent or legitimate interest, you may withdraw consent or object to processing at any time without suffering any consequence, but without compromising the lawfulness of the processing carried out previously. If consent is withdrawn or express opposition is raised, GALP shall immediately cease processing your personal data for the purpose in question, unless it is necessary to process the data for the fulfilment of legal and/or contractual obligations.

III. What personal data will be processed?

In the context of the stated purposes, GALP will process the following categories of personal data: personal identification data, contact data, contract data, opinion survey data, voice data, web browsing data.

IV. How will my personal data be processed?

Your personal data will be processed by GALP, in the context of the purposes indicated above, in accordance with the Galp Group’s internal policies and rules and with the use of appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure their security and confidentiality, in particular in relation to the unauthorised or unlawful processing of your personal data and their accidental loss, destruction or damage. Your data may also be processed for statistical purposes.

V. Who are the recipients of my personal data?

Your personal data may be made available to companies that provide services to GALP (“Subcontractors”), which are bound to it by written contract, may only process your personal data for the purposes set out and are not authorised to directly or indirectly process them for any other purpose, for their own benefit or for that of a third party.

Your personal data may also be shared with entities with which GALP forms partnerships under joint liability agreements.

If there is a legitimate interest in sharing intra-group data, your personal data may be transmitted for internal administrative purposes between the companies of the Galp Group.

In fulfilment of legal and/or contractual obligations, your personal data may also be transmitted to third parties for their own purposes, such as network operators, banks and insurers, judicial, administrative, supervisory or regulatory authorities, and entities that lawfully carry out data collection, actions to prevent and combat fraud, market research or statistical studies.

When you choose to follow GALP on social networks, or when you access the website through them, or to facilitate your navigation on the website (for example, to view on Google Maps the petrol stations closest to your location), your personal data may be processed by the managing bodies of the social networks or the features provided, in accordance with their privacy policies, which we recommend that you read before browsing this website. 

GALP may also transfer your personal data outside the European Economic Area, where justified in the course of performance of a contract or in fulfilment of a legal obligation, ensuring that the data are transferred only under a European Commission adequacy decision or under the standard data protection clauses (or similar) approved by the European Commission.

VI. What rights do I have over my personal data? 

As data subject, you have the right, where applicable to: i) request access, rectification, limitation, opposition, portability and deletion of your personal data, (ii) lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority – in Portugal, the Portuguese Data Protection Authority (“CNPD”) – or (iii) obtain redress and/or compensation if you consider that the processing carried out violates your rights and/or the applicable personal data protection and privacy laws.

Click here or go to direitos.galp.com to exercise your rights under applicable personal data and privacy law.

Alternatively, you can exercise them via email [email protected] or by post, for the attention of the Personal Data Protection Officer, at the following address: Rua Tomás da Fonseca, Torre A – 13º piso, 1600-209 Lisbon.

You can also contact the Galp Group Data Protection Officer for any questions related to the protection and privacy of your personal data by email [email protected].

VII. Information about cookies

We advise you to read the cookie policy to learn more about the processing of your personal data carried out through this activity.

VIII. Alterations to the Data Protection and Privacy Policy 

Galp may at any time amend this Personal Data and Privacy Policy in accordance with new legal or regulatory requirements or update it as appropriate. We advise you to consult this Policy regularly to check the most up-to-date versions.

Data da última atualização: 24/10/2022